Unconventional Excellence Award
The DOMA Home Model, a new concept of middle-income high standard affordable urban living
2016 Boston Compact Housing Innovation Competition
by the City's Department of Neighborhood Development in partnership with the Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab, the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association and the Boston Society of Architects
“We want Boston to be a place that all residents can call home. To do so, we must look beyond the options that currently exist and activate new and original ideas. The housing innovation competition is a chance for Boston to take its place at the forefront of housing innovation.”
Former Mayor Martin Walsh

1st Prize Award
The Batson, graduate student entry
Design Mentorship by Doma Homes
2017 Affordable Housing Development Competition
by the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Boston
"This competition focuses a new generation of thinkers on affordable housing"
Tobi Goldberg, Senior Community Investment Manager